Source code for expect

"""expect module

import re
import logging
import sys
import time

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ExpectTimeoutError(Exception):
    """Exception raised when expect times out.

[docs]class Handler(object): """Class wrapping an io object. """
[docs] def __init__(self, iostream, eol='\n', break_conditions=None, print_input=True, print_output=False, split_pattern='\n'): """Initialize object with given parameters. :param iostream: Io stream to read data from and write data data to. The class of this object must implement two functions, read(count) and write(string). read() must return a string. :param eol: 'end of line' string to send after the 'send string'. :param break_conditions: expect() throws an exception if the returned value from `iostream`.read() is in this iterable. :param print_input: Print input on stdout. :param print_output: Print output on stdout. :param split_pattern: Split read data using this regexp before sreaching for a match. """ self.iostream = iostream self.input_buffer = '' self.eol = eol if break_conditions is None: break_conditions = ['', None] self.break_conditions = break_conditions self.print_input = print_input self.print_output = print_output if split_pattern: self.re_split = re.compile(split_pattern) else: self.re_split = None
[docs] def expect(self, pattern, timeout=None, print_input=True): """Returns when regular expression `pattern` matches the data read from the output stream. :param pattern: Regular expression to match. :returns: The matched string. """ start_time = time.time() re_expect = re.compile(r'(' + pattern + r')') while True: mo = if mo: LOGGER.debug("Found expected pattern '%s'.", pattern) self.input_buffer = self.input_buffer[mo.end():] return else: char = if char in self.break_conditions: fmt = "break condition met: '{}' in '{}'." raise RuntimeError(fmt.format(char, self.break_conditions)) if self.print_input and print_input == True: sys.stdout.write(char) self.input_buffer += char if self.re_split: self.input_buffer = self.re_split.split(self.input_buffer)[-1] # timeout handling if timeout: if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: raise ExpectTimeoutError("Timed out waiting for '%s'", pattern)
[docs] def send(self, string, send_eol=True): """Writes a string to the iostream. :param string: String to send. :param send_eol: Send 'end of line' after ``string``. :returns: Return value of iostream.write(). """ if send_eol: string += self.eol if self.print_output: sys.stdout.write(string) return self.iostream.write(string)